Eritrea drought, malnutrition and choleraI have warned for months about the impact of the El Nino drought on Eritrea.

I was ridiculed by the trolls who unthinkingly support President Isaias’s regime.

Evidence, smuggled out of Eritrea, which I was able to publish  on this blog, provided evidence of the scale of the disaster.

Now, at last, UNICEF, has published its own findings. I urge everyone to read it in full.

The report is shocking: half of all Eritrean children are stunted by malnutrition.

Here is the main conclusion.

Since 2015, Eritrea has experienced drought conditions caused by El Niño that further undermined household food and livelihood security, particularly for women and children, and contributed to a cholera outbreak across three of the country’s six regions.

These dynamics have led to high levels of malnutrition among children under 5, pregnant women and lactating mothers, particularly in the lowland areas.

According to the Nutrition Sentinel Site Surveillance System, malnutrition rates have increased over the past three years in four out of the country’s six regions, where malnutrition rates already exceeded emergency levels, with 22,700 children under 5 projected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in 2017….

Half of all children in Eritrea are stunted, and as a result, these children are even more vulnerable to malnutrition and disease outbreaks.